Another Win! Next Phase to support the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Chief Data Office’s Modernization Efforts
Another Win! Next Phase to support the FDA’s Chief Data Office efforts to modernize.
Another Win! Next Phase to support the FDA’s Chief Data Office efforts to modernize.
Next Phase Solutions and Services, Inc., shares news of its recent contract award from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Next Phase Solutions and Services, Inc. (Next Phase), an SBA Certified 8(a), and Economically Disadvantaged, Woman-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) focused on engineering, science and IT services, and IMSG, Inc. a leader in environmental science and services, are pleased to announce their collaboration in the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Mentor-Protégé Program.
Columbia, MD February 7, 2022 – Next Phase was awarded a $500M, 5-year DASH BPA contract by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to support CMS healthcare quality initiatives for the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality (CCSQ). CCSQ will procure services over 5 years to support their vision and mission for the development and implementation of a cohesive, CMS-wide approach to measuring and promoting healthcare quality across CMS’ strategic programs designed to ensure cost effective, high quality, accessible healthcare for the nation. Under this BPA, Next Phase will deliver digital services to support data analytics using agile delivery services including: Data analytics and reporting, Human-Centered Design (HCD), IT management and governance, business process analysis, solution architecture and design, agile application development and configuration, systems integration, and DevOps.
“We are very excited to continue our support of critical healthcare services for CMS. DASH leverages our comprehensive experience in data analysis systems, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, as well as the work we perform designing, building, and continuously improving human-centered and innovative digital services for our Federal customers.” Lisa Wolff, President & CEO.
About Next Phase: Next Phase is known for its ability to wrangle the toughest data, achieve data modernization, enhance data integration, build insightful analytics and visualizations, and help agencies achieve cloud-based, best-in-class Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) transformations. As a full-spectrum digital services company, Next Phase combines digital government modernization, product delivery, and human-centered design to create solutions people want to use.
Come Join Us: We are hiring, come look at the opportunities we have on our careers page.
For more information, contact Karen Rosenbauer at krosenbauer@npss-inc.com or Mike Radomski at mradomski@npss-inc.com.
The Next Phase team is pleased to announce a successful reappraisal for CMMI ML3 for development. We didn’t stop there…we also added CMMI ML3 for Services. It’s great when all the pieces fall into place!
We are pleased to announce that CMS awarded Next Phase a 5-year contract to sustain and transform the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Enterprise Master Data Management (eMDM) systems and services. The eMDM task order was competed under the SPARC IDIQ and set-aside for a Woman-owned Small Business (WOSB).
This award builds on our success implementing and supporting industry-leading commercial solutions for MDM across multiple industry sectors, and our experience gained over the past 7 years supporting 18 different CMS and Department of Labor programs. Coupling our MDM expertise and experience with a great teaming strategy enabled Next Phase to bring a compelling value proposition to CMS.
The eMDM contract scope includes the operations and maintenance of the MDM systems and processes, new development to support emerging federal legislative mandates, and adding more data sources and system feeds across CMS as this Shared Service grows. Additionally, an enhancement task will be completed to modernize the MDM platform to revolutionize data integration and access for data consumers, reduce time for enhancements, and increase ease of operations and maintenance.
To learn more about our solutions for master data management, please visit our Data & Analytics page.
The Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (DOC/NOAA) office of the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Systems (NESDIS) has awarded Next Phase a follow-on contract to conduct comprehensive engineering studies of federal and commercial satellite communications systems. The studies will be used to determine the feasibility of sharing radio frequency spectrum between existing Federal users and commercial cellular network carriers.
Our partner, Alion Science and Technology, joins us as our valuable partner. Alion brings more than 40 years of experience in spectrum engineering, as well as numerous years of experience supporting NOAA and other government agencies with the challenges of spectrum sharing.