Author: Heather

Next Phase Awarded NOAA/NESDIS Multi-Year RF Engineering and Analysis Contract

The Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (DOC/NOAA) office of the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Systems (NESDIS) has awarded Next Phase a multi-year contract to conduct comprehensive engineering studies of federal and commercial satellite communications systems.  The studies will be used to determine the feasibility of sharing radio frequency spectrum between existing Federal users and commercial cellular network carriers. Spectrum sharing is becoming an increasingly important mode of operations across both government and commercial satellites during space-to-earth communications (“downlinks”). These real-time downlinks are received by NOAA, other Federal agencies, and non-Federal users who process the data to provide important weather warning, forecasting, or monitoring services such as performed by the National Weather Service (NWS).

Next Phase and Alion Team to Assess Benefits and Impacts of Spectrum Sharing

NOAA/NESDIS has awarded Next Phase a contract to analyze the spectrum sharing benefits of using Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) carrier identification and to develop the bit error, and frame error rate threshold above which federal GOES-R satellite broadcast receivers will suffer degraded or lost data. Alion Science and Technology, joins us as a valuable partner!  Alion Science brings more than 50 years of experience in spectrum engineering, as well as 10+ years of experience supporting NOAA and other government agencies with the challenges of spectrum sharing.

Integrated Data Repository (IDR) Recompete Win!

Next Phase has been awarded a subcontract for ETL development for the CMS Integrated Data Repository (IDR) through our large partner, DXC Technology.  The IDR is the centerpiece of CMS’ Enterprise Data Warehouse Strategy. The IDR responds to the agency’s pressing need to have an integrated data environment that contains Medicare and Medicaid claims, and data regarding beneficiaries, providers and plans. Its vision is to provide greater information sharing, broader and easier access, enhanced data integration, increased security and privacy, and strengthened query and analytic capability via a single unified data repository.  Congrats to DXC Technology and all of our DXC partners awarded subcontracts for IDR!

Reach for the Stars!

Next Phase President, Lisa Wolff, shared her experiences and knowledge of the Hubble Space Telescope along with several other earth science satellites, with elementary school students, parents and teachers.  Next Phase supports NASA and NOAA, furthering science research as members of the engineering and ground segment program teams. Prior to starting Next Phase, Ms. Wolff was the CIO for the Science and Operations Center for the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) on the campus of Johns Hopkins University.  STScI, in cooperation with NASA Goddard, provides the science operations for the Hubble Space Telescope. The kids loved the hands-on activities and the exciting pictures of space and this summer’s hurricanes. Next Phase supports efforts that interest children in STEAM careers. Please contact us to arrange a speaker at your private or public school!

Awarded Amtrak Business Intelligence Contract

Next Phase has been awarded a subcontract to support the Amtrak Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing contract at Amtrak.  Next Phase provides services for business intelligence, data modeling, Informatica ETL, ETL payload scanning to meet recent NIST guidelines, data warehousing and application development under this contract.  Next Phase currently supports the CMS Business Intelligence, Extract & Load (BI/ETL) contract for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as well as 16 other CMS contracts which encompass similar work.

Physics is Fun!

We worked with a local middle school to teach Physics through model rocketry.  Students experimented with rocket “wing design”, modifying rocket kits to see how various orientations impacted flight path. More than 30 students spent time building, flying and taking data on the flights.